Do I need a reservation?No advance reservation is required for our Roppongi café
Is there a complimentary ticket for the parking?For payments of 5,000 yen or more, parking is complimentary for 1 hour, payments of 7,000 yen or more, parking is complimentary for 2 hours, payments of 10,000 yen or more, parking is complimentary for 3 hours, and if you spend 15,000 yen or more, parking is complimentary for 4 hours.
Is it a wheelchair-accessible restaurant or is there a multipurpose restroom?The Ritz-Carlton Café & Deli has no steps, thus wheelchair-accessible. Multipurpose restrooms are located on the Ground Floor, 1st, 2nd, and 45th floors of our Hotel Café in Roppongi.
Can we do photo shooting?There is no problem to take pictures for personal use. When shooting, please be careful about the flash so as not to bother other guests. Please refrain from using tripods or other items that may damage the atmosphere of the restaurant or affect the service. For business purposes (corporate PR, promotional tools, etc.), please contact the hotel's public relations department.
Is the entire restaurant available for a private party?Normally, we do not close for a private party.
Is the restaurant pet-friendly?This Hotel Café in Roppongi only allows pets in the terrace seats. Please use a carrying bag or pet cart (only types from which pets' faces do not protrude) and be considerate of other customers.